
Girls Camp 2011

I went to girls camp this past week, and this is what we did.

Scared people in the bathrooms/outhouses.
Loved our banner.
Posed for some pictures with friends.
Went on a hike with Chelsie and all the other second years.
Dressed up as boys for out skit:)
So sense all my pictures are backwards then I'll tell now.
So we drove all 3 hours to get up to Bucks Lake to find it POURING!! And that it was cancelled. So we went to Fort Churchill as a alliterative. And I think it turned out quite well.
My two old trusty car companions:-)
And I just LOVE this picture, cause it captures the awesome clouds.


  1. It looks like you had a fun time at Girls Camp. I can't wait for mine! Are you and Chelsie in the same year?
