
Oh chicks!

12 chicks hatched last week. (the last thing we need, more chickens) But thankfully we had a friend that took them and their mother.

Caleb also had his last pine wood derby.


St. George March 2011

This week we went to St. George. We had a lot of fun! Here are a LOT of pictures!
We drove the truck to get it worked on. We almost always stop at the Austin church to take a break.
Grandpa made homemade root beer:)
Grandma and Grandpas Daffodils.
Shaylee, Emilie, Lindy, and Hallie, being crazy:)
Spence and Caleb playing basket ball
Lindy and Shaylee playing in the dirt.
Lindy wearing my Grandmas sun glasses.
Our family at the Brigham Young home.
The blossoms

Caleb and Lindy in front of Brigham Young's Home
The reflection of the temple on the visitors center windows.
Lindy on the temple steps
We had a very fun time! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!