
It's a girl!

My mom is having a girl! ♥ YES! Lindy and I are pretty excited! Caleb and Spencer were a little disappointed, but they will live:)


The swing!!!

My dad and Spencer made this swing, for the hay barn!! it is ALMOST better then Disney land!!
it is AWESOME!! the pictures don't describe it well enough! I'll try to get a video, even then you have to do it to get the full effect:)
Me getting ready to go:)
And Caleb getting ready to go!
now the hay barn! they have more then half of the tin done now:)
the first sheet of tin:)



yes, we are making good progress on the hay barn! here a couple of pictures

I was helping my dad load stuff on the gradall and I turned and saw this tacked on the hay stack! so I asked my cousin Johnny what it was and he said "target practice" haha!! I couldn't help posting this:)
my pictures are already outdated! they have the rest of the metal things on the top.
the beautiful sunset:)


our week

here is a mix of our week

I've been having fun with my Cricut. (this is some of the things that it can do.)
this machine is AMAZING!
Lindy swinging
riding bikes
Spencer grinding on the hay barn
here is the gratall in action
the boys have been working on the hay barn.
Lindy got to ride with Benjamin in the bucket truck. (that is a welding hat that he has on just in case you were wondering)
it has been pretty cold here. for about 3 days straight there has been fog and pogo nip all day!


The Gratall

We bought this machine so we can build 6 hay barns. it is called a Gratall. it goes 42 feet high in the air. here are some pictures of us getting rides. my uncles built a man lift thing so it is safe to work on.

our thrilled driver
Benjamin and Lindy


Christmas 2010

we had a great Christmas! I hope you also!

Lindy and Ada playing.
little Jeddy watching the train
the train
our WONDERFUL cakes! (thanks Rebekah and Joanna)
all Spencer's stuff
all Caleb's stuff
all Lindy's stuff
all my stuff
we both got just what we wanted! i got a Cricut cartridge and Caleb got a remote control helicopter.
Christmas eve PJ's