
Mandy cuteness

I know it's blurry, but look, she has two teeth!


Those shoes have been through all three of us girls.


Christmas 2011

Spencer had a similar tie to Mandy's dress so we had to take a picture.
Lindy in her Christmas dress
Mandy in her Christmas dress

Christmas breakfast
Mandy's new sipper cup

Mandy had a fun time with all the paper.
She also had a fun time unwrapping her presents
Our P.J.s

Grandma and Grandpa W. Christmas Eve, we were all tired:)
Mandy and Ada
We got to Skype with Jared and Jesse (no pictures of Jesse.) That was fun.


Thanks Giving (REALLY LATE!)

We spent Thanks Giving with the Wadsworth family this year, at our ranch up in Winnemucca. Here are some pictures.

Uncle Joseph was getting Mandy to laugh with a tape measure. Too funny.
Benjamin and Jenny
Me and some of my cousins set the tables. (That is Sparkling cider on the tables, not what most likely crossed your minds☺)

Reading books
My mom helped the kids make a craft before lunch.
It was tons of fun! We got to do Face Time (like Skype) with cousin's in Washington, I got to stay the night, and we ate PLENTY of food:)


Lip Stick

Emily and I:)